The word “magnify” means to make something appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or binoculars. It also means to increase, enlarge, enhance, or exaggerate the importance or effect of something. Another definition of “magnify” is to extol (praise enthusiastically) or glorify.
Let’s look at “magnify” as it relates to healing. If we are struggling with a sickness, pain, or disability and our focus is on it or we are speaking about it, we are giving it importance. The more we speak about it and focus on it, the more important it becomes. When this happens, we are increasing, exaggerating, and giving importance to it. In other words, we are magnifying it.
Instead, we should be magnifying Jesus. Our eyes (attention and focus) should always be on the Lord Jesus Christ and not on our situations. When we magnify Jesus, we take our eyes and focus off of what we are experiencing and extol or give the glory to God instead of our problems.
If we look at the moon through binoculars and use one end, the moon will appear large and so close we think we can touch it. If we use the other end of the binoculars, the moon will appear very small. This is what we need to do with sickness. We need to make it so small and insignificant compared to our God, who is Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. He is the one Who has already healed us.
You might be asking, “How do I do that especially when there is pain in my body?” You focus your eyes on Jesus by choosing a healing scripture to become your anchor verse; one that you study, meditate on, and get revelation knowledge about; a verse that becomes more real to you than the pain in your body. You take that scripture and look up the meaning of each word, repeat the scripture over and over (meditate), digest it and know it is true, because God’s Word is truth (John 1:14).
Once you have your anchor verse, continue to study and meditate on it until your symptom leaves. Many times, I’m asked how long I should do it and my answer is until it is finished. There is no magic formula. It takes as long as it takes your mind to be renewed and your heart to know without a shadow of a doubt that “it is finished.” Those three words were the last words Jesus spoke at the cross before He took His last breath (John 19:30).
You need to know that healing was finished at the cross. God has nothing left to do. Spend time magnifying Jesus and what He did for you at the cross. Praise the Lord and sing to the Lord with thanksgiving.
Recently, a friend was struggling and asked for my help. I shared with her this same concept about magnifying Jesus. I showed her how by thanking Jesus for all she had would take her mind off her situation and enable her mind to be focused on the Lord. This helped her get her eyes on the Lord instead of her struggle.
Here is how you can start: Thank you, Jesus, for my life. Thank you, Jesus, for every breath I take. Thank you, Jesus, for my friends and family. Thank you, Jesus, for my house, job, running water, warm showers in the winter and cool showers in the summer, food to eat, etc. Continue to add to the list until, like the binoculars, you are enlarging Jesus and decreasing your situation.
Lord, help me to magnify Jesus each and every day and through every situation in my life!
~Donna Jones