Are you possessing your Promised Land? Do you know what the Promised Land is and that it has already been bought and paid for and ready for you to possess? The word “possess” is a verb and means to have ownership or possession of; to enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas. While reading the Old Testament, I started to see a pattern where God told the Israelites to possess the land. There may be more references, but in my reading, I found over 120. Since God kept repeating this and telling the Israelites to possess the land that He had already delivered to them, I thought it might be worth looking at what “possess the land” means to us today.
Possessing the land are God’s promises as they relate to all areas of our lives. We need to possess our healing, prosperity and eternal life while here on earth, as well as, the truth about God’s Word. As born-again believers, we have been redeemed (purchased at a price) and have a place already prepared for us in Heaven. We have been delivered from sin and have freedom from captivity; however, like the Israelites, many of us are standing outside of our Promised Land and are afraid of the Giants that we believe are more powerful than Almighty God.
The 11-day journey from Egypt to the Promised Land took 40 years because the Israelites were afraid to go into the Promised Land that God had already promised to them. The land flowing with milk and honey and delicious, gigantic fruit was already theirs for the taking. It didn’t matter what it looked like with their natural eyes. God said the land was theirs and He had promised it to them. God had already proven His love, grace and faithfulness while they journeyed in the desert when He parted the Red Sea, drew water from a rock and delivered manna (bread) from Heaven. Did they think that God couldn’t deliver them from the giants that were standing in the way of their Promised Land?
What are the “giants” that are preventing you from entering into your Promised Land? Fear, anxiety, sickness, lack of knowledge of God’s Word, religion, lack of identity in Christ, not knowing your authority in Christ, unforgiveness or unbelief.
Just like the Israelites, God has already delivered you from these giants. Deuteronomy 1:30 says, “The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you, according to all He did for you in Egypt before your eyes.” God has already fought the battle and the great news is—He won. For believers, this battle took place on the cross over 2,000 years ago. God’s promises of love, joy, peace, prosperity, healing, etc., are available to all. Believe God’s Word and His truth as it relates to any giant in your life. Dive into His Word to find what God says about fear, anxiety, sickness, prosperity. Meditate on these promises and enter into your Promised Land!
God loves you unconditionally and He will never leave or forsake you. His plans are for you to prosper and be in good health. God has given you a new life in Christ and has promised to supply all of your needs.
He gives you His love, His rest, His peace, His joy, and His faith and all you need to do is possess your Promised Land!
~Donna Jones