Are you planting seeds of healing into your heart, or are you planting seeds of doubt and unbelief? Seeds reproduce themselves and in the natural, need water and soil in order to survive and grow into healthy plants. If I take a watermelon seed, plant it in soil, and water it, the seed will grow in the soil that is providing the proper nutrients, in 120 days I will have a watermelon.
The same basic process happens supernaturally in believers with the seed that is the Word of God. How does the planting and producing of seeds work in the spiritual environment? 1 Peter 1:23 says, “having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever.” This verse says that God’s Word is an incorruptible seed that is not subject to death or decay, but is everlasting. A natural seed has the potential to be rotten causing it not to produce the fruit or the plant it was designed to produce. God’s Word is incorruptible and everlasting and will always work as long as it is mixed with faith. This scripture also says that God’s Word lives and abides forever, meaning there is no expiration date on its fruitfulness. In the natural, expiration dates are shown on a seed package as a measure of the likelihood that the seeds are viable. Technically seeds do not “go bad” but that depends on the type of seeds, environmental conditions, the manner in which the seeds have been stored, and other factors that could impact the growth of the seeds.
If you are believing for healing, what seeds or scriptures are you standing on? What are you planting in your heart? Your heart is the soil where the seed or Word of God is planted. Your heart has the nutrients that the seed, or Word, needs to grow and bring forth fruit. If you have planted worry, anxiety, fear, doubt, and unbelief into your heart, then that is the fruit that will be brought forth into your life. However, if you have planted healing, love, joy, peace, patience, prosperity, and kindness into your heart, that is the fruit that will be evident in your life.
To see healing manifest in your life, take the Word of God and His promises and plant them into your heart. You might be asking, “How do I do that?” Search the scriptures for what God says about healing, read them, meditate on them, and speak them out loud so your mind can hear them as well. Do this all through the day and at night. God told Joshua to meditate on the Word day and night so that he would do what the Word said, and his ways would be prosperous and have good success (Joshua 1:8). If you want success in your life, take the Word of God and meditate (think deeply, carefully about, ponder, study, sleep on it) and watch to see that seed you planted in your heart, grow and become fruitful in your life. Just like a natural seed needs watering, when you meditate on God’s Word, you are watering that seed inside your heart.
Once you have planted your seed (healing scripture), water it by meditating on that scripture. You will now need to mix in the final ingredient—faith. Hebrews 4:2 says, “For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.”
Faith is the complete trust, belief, and expectation that what God has said and promised will come to pass. Hebrews 11:1-2 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.” Stir up your faith by reading Hebrews 11, the chapter in the Bible known as the “Hall of Faith.” Study how Abraham, by faith, obeyed God when He told him to leave his homeland and go forth without giving him specific directions or even a final destination. Check out the faith of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Sarah, and Moses in this “Hall of Faith” chapter. Then read further in the Old Testament about their lives and how they came to the place of faith.
Make sure you are planting good seeds in your life. Seeds that will prosper you in all areas of your life, such as healing, finances, etc. Listen to the words that come out of your mouth; that is a good indication as to what type of seeds have been sown in your heart.
Plant, water, and see the harvest!
~Donna Jones